Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Isles)

Volcanic Vestmannaeyjar (Westman Isles) are more accessible than ever. In 2010, a new harbor was built right opposite the islands making it feasible to visit from Reykjavik in one day.

We travel across lava fields and farmland before we board a ferry for a 35 minute ride to Heimaey Island with its 4,500 inhabitants. You’ll get to know the island, its history and geology during our visit. We spend enough time on the island for you to enjoy its major attractions. There are plenty of roads and trails on the island but few cars – making the island an ideal place for bicycling.

Once on the island, we get on our bikes and pedal to view the main attractions on the islands such as Pompei of the North, puffin colonies in summer, Helgafell volcano, the lavafield from 1973, houses that half collapsed due to the lava flow and more!

  • Private tours only – please ask for availability and price.
  • Departure time: 1 PM, Duration: +/- 11 hours
  • Distance:  +/- 11 km (7 miles) of cycling on the island
  • Difficulty: Easy-medium. There are many hills and you’ll cycle over some new lava fields. Electric bike option.
  • Meeting placeClick here to see a map (Please ask if you need a pick up)
  • Price: please ask.
  • Number of participants: 1-14
  • Personal insurance is not included. Terms & conditions.